Anywhere November 11, 2020 - December 31, 2022


Job Description

Myself and my 2 other business partners recently started a company called inteBase. This is soon to be a brand new UNIQUE social media experience – I can give no further details than this on a public website, please email or call for more details. We are expecting this to grow over the next 5 years to become a platform on the same level as facebook, twitter, snapchat etc.

We have a lot of the ground work covered from the business side, including the logistics of how we will attract users, bringing the product to the market and bringing in revenue. We have come up with a genius way to push target marketing to a whole new level, which companies will not be able to refuse.

What we need now is some technical input from an additional partner, making a total of 4. I myself have a computer science degree, another founder has already ran a successful marketing company and the 3rd partner is a qualified accountant and has been a part of many successful tech companies. Therefore we know how to build this and also how to bring it to the market. We need a highly technical person to drive the development side, while we manage the business side.

I would be more than happy to discuss this at length, I realise I have only been brief here. I think it is more easily explained either in person or over the phone.

Please feel free to email me on intebase2015@gmail.com or call on 07947554100.

Thank you,

Adrian Kimberley